Wednesday 14 December 2016

Dan The Man: Gaming Guide

Heeey guys! Welcome to another 'mobile-gaming' guide with me.
Today I'm sharing a review of an arcade styled mobile game.

From the creators of  'Jet Pack Joy Ride', 'fruit ninja', 'fruit ninja FX', 'Fruit Ninja Kinect', 'Fruit Ninja whatever-the-hell', we present to you 'Fruit Ninja....' Just kidding!

This time 'Half Brick' studios made a new kind of game. And not just any game, a game where the story videos are more popular than the game (ok, probably not anymore), a game with some history...

This year Half Brick released 'Dan the Man', a retro styled game. The game's protagonist, named 'Dan' is quite popular on YouTube.

The game starts at stage 8 of the story and the rest of the 7 are on YouTube, one for each stage. It would help you understand the story if you watch all the videos so you could get a clear view of what happens as the game doesn't help you understand what happened before, but the game helps by linking the game to YouTube so you can easily watch the videos without having trouble searching for it.

The game lets you choose from 4 characters:
1. Dan
2. Josie
3. Barry Streakfries ( you may know him from jet pack joy ride)
4. And a custom character

The game's simple but effective controls takes the game a long way and trust me, it's great to kill time, especially when you're at your grandparents place without wi-fi. You can even throw an enemy overhead, forward and even backwards! The creators even remembered to insert the standard 'special moves'. I mean have you seen any fighter game characters without special moves?

They did a great job in the retro looking graphics (like check out the background dude) and the cliché Kung-Fu shouts. Oh and those soundtracks tho, mhmm, 8-bit and rock. Yeaaaaaah dude!

The many hazards and ledges will definitely keep you over the edge and the unending number of enemies will keep you glued to your device.

The game consists of 3 modes:
1. Story mode (campaign)
2. Events (events change every week)
3. Battle (a mode where you keep on fighting wave after wave)

The levels are quite lengthy with many checkpoints, there are a total of 12 levels.

Shops can be entered as you come across a shop to refill health, buy health potions, reload ammo or buy weapons.

As usual, you get your score list when you finish a level which consists of:
1. Time taken
2. Number of enemies defeated
3. Secret areas discovered
4. And objects smashed

The game also makes your character stronger by letting you upgrade your character and weapons which consists of:
1. Shurikens
2. Throwing knives
3. Modern rifles
4. AK rifles
5. RPG7 (a missile launcher)
6. And a 'Carlgustav' (another missile launcher, sounds good eh?)

Another smart thing they have done is that (and don't ask me how they did it) when you play music, the in-game music stops (but not the SFX sounds). And that's a good thing, you don't get annoyed since both are not being played at the same time, or worse, your music stops.

In conclusion this game is a great time killer. With a story which makes sense and effective controls keeps you entertained and focused. And if you by any chance (probably not) be new to gaming. This is the best starter.

Thanks for reading,
Tyrant Beast :)

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