Wednesday 28 January 2015

Crash - A short story


                                 The awesome engine broke into life and revved up perfectly. The roar of the engine stopped all of the surrounding sounds and had an almost hypnotizing effect. Then it slowly revved down, and started rumbling slowly, almost as if telling the driver to start driving. The car was a Lamborghini and it belonged to my friend Rado. We were on his front driveway, because he had invited me to go on a joyride with him. He pulled out of the driveway and slowly reversed onto the street. The road was a long black carpet, the car was the celebrity. Rado put his foot on the pedal and almost as if struck by lightning, the car flew along the road.

                                 I was pushed back into my seat, and I could feel the wind on my face; the car was a convertible. The houses and the trees were a blur, the road ahead was only glimpsed, and the world was a kaleidoscope. Then my friend slowed down as we neared the color lights at the four way crossing. They were red. Rado grinned, “Okay, let’s cross the lights, eh? Stay tight!” There was no one around; the streets were deserted. I smiled back, “If you say so.” Rado slowly revved up the car and I could almost feel it roaring. The car slowly inched backwards, as if getting ready to pounce on the innocendeafening.  Then in the flash of a second the car was over 40kmph. We both had our eyes on the road. Which was why no one saw the Mini Cooper as it crossed our path. I blinked.

                                                    That deafening second almost worked in slow motion. As I opened my eyes again, I saw the Cooper move in inch by inch to the center of the four way crossing. We also moved in inch by inch. The moment the collision occurred, my instinct kicked in, and my eyes closed.

                                           I open my eyes. Still moving. All slow motion. I look back to see the Cooper flying through the air as it turns over and over. I move my head. Cars parked on the pavement. Our car is breaking through space. I look on as we hit the last one. I turn my head. I see Rado trying to control the steering wheel. I see him turn the wheel to the right. I feel the car veering off track.  More cars parked on the pavement. Our car is flying straight into one. My eyes close.

                                          I open my eyes again. I look down to see the rest of my body sitting there in the car. As I look on, the color around me slowly starts fading. It becomes gray. Then I see a spot of red. It’s okay. It’s the car’s interior right? But wait. Is it on my body? Does it matter which? My brain doesn’t provide me with an answer. The sounds around slowly start fading back.  I look at where Rado was sitting. There he is, wearing a gray color shirt. I smile. Wasn’t he wearing a red one earlier? Then somewhere far away, I hear a loud explosion. I feel a tingly sensation near my legs. I smell petrol. Then I look back at my body and smile. The world was a nice place. My sight blacks out.

                                         “Beep, Beep-Beep.” The machines in the Emergency Department beeped on. I open my eyes. It takes a moment to adjust… but wait! I can see! The plain white of the ceiling presents itself to my surprised eyes. I try to move my hand. It feels heavy. I try to lift my head, but I can’t. “You don’t want to do that”. I hear the voice of someone in background. Suddenly from the corner of my eyes, a person in a white coat appears. He looks at my face, smiles, and says, “Hope you feel fine. You’ve ruined your legs, and most of your skin. But here’s the good news… you’re coming out in one piece!’