Tuesday 28 July 2015

What's next? Blog Update July

What’s next?
August is nearly here, and that means a lot to Interest Concentrated. As you probably know if you’ve been reading all the articles, I’ve stalled updating all the stories and haven’t put up any articles of interest until August begins, and all of us are truly in the holiday season.
So, now I want to talk about what you should look forward for in the coming month. There’s a lot of new stuff coming your way, as well as some restored stuff and continuations. Here’s a guide of what you should be excited about:

 8:49: I’ve temporarily stopped updating this story, and it’ll open again with the latest installment on the first Tuesday of August, which is the 4th! "The Mystery Continues"

‘The Flipside’ series: A much loved series by fellow author Rayhaan. He’ll be continuing the series with The Flipside 3 (it might have a different name. It’s not for me to say), and as with all of the Flipside stories, they’re full of irony and suspense! And although I can’t exactly pinpoint a date of publishing, they’ll be coming!

The Team 35: This is probably the biggest launch. You really need to read it when makes its appearance! I’ve been putting quite a few hours into this. It'll be relaesed on the 6th of August!

Tech Section: I’ve been working on completing an article on which I have my say on Apple and I’m also planning on writing some stuff on tech in the future, being one of my favourite subjects to talk about anyway.

Poems: This is something I’ve been thinking about publishing for a while now, and I thought that I might make it a weekly feature, with an article releasing each week with either a poem that was submitted by one of you (or me) or some random poem by a random poet.

Finally, Your articles! I can’t leave this out! Who knows what articles might arise from submission? Sure, no-one other than Rayhaan has approached me on writing articles, but that’s why I wrote it here. Do send me in some articles! Surely you have some pieces of writing saved on your computer that no-one has seen before? You must something you’ve written at school for some project? My first blog on this ‘Crash’ was written at school, and it turned out so nice that I decided that should open a blog for all these miscellaneous writing that everyone does and that eventually goes to waste. You know you have it! Take the time to transcribe onto the computer if you didn’t write it on the computer, and send it in to me! Who knows, people might think it’s amazing. And even if they don’t, well, that’ll give you basis to build your writing on in the future!

So, that’s it for today. I discovered a new found love for writing like this, and it’s quite fun too. Though I wish typing didn’t have quite that friction to it that writing on paper has. Meh.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the holidays and I hope this blog makes them even better! Always remember to check on this blog once a week!!


Sunday 5 July 2015

Flipside #2

And here it! Yes, you (probably) guessed it! This is Rayhaan's new series of stories! The Flipside. And he's been pretty quick to submit these too. Remember to say Thank You to him. And I'm pleased to announce, they are going to be pretty good. They're full of irony and suspense and give quick read entertainment to you, and can be understood by anyone with a brain. (Sorry if you're offended! ;-)) Anyway, if you seen the title of this blog, you'd notice it says Flipside #2. Why? Here's the explanation: the Closed Door is actually Flipside #1. I guess it makes sense. So, I'm going stop babbling on here, and I'm going to present you with the story! Enjoy, comment, like, share!!

The Flipside #2
 It must have been midnight when the Captain sighted the rig. He was tired, and his crew on The Triumph had lost faith. They had planned to sight this oil rig 10 days ago, and had grown worried. “I see it!” he yelled, as the crew came into the room, excited. The crew members had been in the adjacent cabin, murmuring their dark intentions. One of them, Kane, was an experienced sailor, and was orchestrating something very… ‘Evil’. Nobody knew much about Kane, besides his experiences on other oil tankers.
“Looks like the ol’ Captain’s found the rig”, muttered Kane.
“Yep. Guess Jim was too chicken to burn the maps.” said Joseph, who was one Kane’s partners. 
     As the tanker docked at the oil rig, the crew followed the Captain to the rooms they were staying in. Hours passed and nobody had seen Kane. Then, as the captain was on the phone with his kids, an explosion erupted from somewhere within the oil rig. Instinct causes his eyes to close. There was fire, and the captain could hear the screams of his crew. It was disastrous. Wait. The captain could hear them, but shouldn’t he be dead? As he opens his eyes, he realizes he’s on top of a smokestack. How on earth did he get there? Clinging to its edge, he stands up on the edge and looks down at the flames surrounding the ring. He can’t believe his eyes. His eyes widen in shock as he sees the crew, burning, screaming. They had all planned a mutiny against the captain, under Kane. But now they were burning. Suddenly the Captain sees Kane, no longer in the earthly human form. He had been reduced to bones, and was crawling up the smokestack, screaming a language undecipherable by human ears. Smiling, Kane reaches the Captain and knocks him off into the ocean. Kane had got what he wanted, and as he stood victorious, the rig sunk into the sea.

Enjoyed it? Check out the previous and following Flipsides if you haven't already! 
Flipside 1:http://interestconcentrated.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/the-closed-door.html
Flipside 3: http://interestconcentrated.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/flipside-3.html