Thursday 26 January 2017

Review: Call of Duty Infinite Warfare

2016 was indeed amazing. We got so many great games; Doom, Battlefield 1 and they're all better than Infinite Warfare’s campaign. It's not for want of something to differentiate it: this is a Call of Duty game where you fight in zero-G environments, and where you fly a spaceship. If you're not into that, then I assure you, this game or this review isn't for you.

Firstly, I need to assure you that this review is spoiler free, and purely based on my opinion, so trigger-kings and trigger-queens cannot do their everyday duty, which is getting triggered over random internet posts. Secondly, I do not intend my salt in this review, if I did, I'd rather just join a League of Legends forum.

Now, since I've acclaimed that I will follow the internet rules, lets get on with it. Now if you've read my other reviews, you will notice that I follow formats.

Lets get on with the Graphics and Optimizations of this game. I purely have to praise Infinity Ward for the breathtaking graphics. They looked so beautiful, it made me tear (trust me, almost nothing makes me tear, except the time I accidentally kicked my dog, and I broke down).

After the backlash from releasing the trailer on YouTube (Trailer) (the video got a ton of hate, including 3M dislikes), Infinity Ward decided "No, lets not give them any more reasons to hate on us". So they optimized the game.

So well that it ran on my Laptop on high at 60FPS, which is pretty good, considering my old architecture (cries). I have to give Infinity Ward the prize in this case, since they have done a marvelous job in optimizing this game.

The story of this game is okay, depending on which perspective you view it from; if you're into space travel, interplanetary wars, and such scenarios, then this game would be perfect for you. If you're into the old Call of Duty scenarios, Cold War, Vietnam War, then this won't be the game for you.

Infinity Ward tried a new approach to the call of Duty game here, but the old COD gamers did not want this. The story is the basic COD story: there's good humans and there are the baddie humans.

Yes, it's a war between humans on an interplanetary scale (which will be definitely happening here soon) and the base story is this: Humans on Mars wants to destroy Humans on Earth, including the Earth itself. There are feels at the end, but it feels kind of forced, like the game is telling you to feel, like "ALL THIS HAPPENED, AND YOU NEED TO GET YOUR INNERMOST EMOTIONS OUT".

The gameplay is "less better" than the story. There are new guns (which are next to useless, like the energy rifles), there are robots, and there're many AI systems, which are a backlash to the story, since this is based on human deaths and such. In my opinion, they should've stuck to the Human side of the story, which used to be the original Call of Duty storyline (rolls eyes). 

When I first got the game, I was expecting nothing from it. I was disappointed because while I got more than I expected, it wasn't more than the Call Of Duty Modern Warfare series expectations. I'm expecting Activision to run out of names for the Call of Duty series, like "Call of Duty Advanced Warfare" and then "Call of Duty Infinite Warfare"...... What's next? "Call of Duty Even More Warfare"?

No clue what's gonna happen next.

The more crappier the names, the more crappier the backlash. Did I mention there are space battles? Like the kind of ones where you are in a Jet kinda thing, you follow enemy jets and you shoot 'em down or up (no gravity probz). It is kinda fun. You can also modify your Jet, which is called a "Jackal". So basically, it's a renamed Star Wars game.

It's a good game, not the best in the Call of Duty series, but not the worst either. Infinity Ward and Activision could've done a better job, but they didn't. I liked the game, and it was extremely worth its money. I recommend you playing the game.

Interest Concentrated rates this game 6/10

Catch me on Steam: TheMusicFella
Also stay tuned for more gaming reviews. Watch_Dogs 2 review will be out sometime next week.

Keep it cool.


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